Just hope it doesn't end so soon. Not looking forward to working life at all *sigh...
Btw, I just went for my job interview with the government and lucky me, I got a chinese dude as my interviewer. But unlucky for me, I got a chinese interviewer who couldn't stop lecturing me about being independent, don't depend on mummy daddy...bla bla bla....have to go far away from home to learn about life bla bla bla....learn about malaysia...bla bla bla....because you're ANAK MALAYSIA! Correct or not?! Correct or not?! ARE YOU?!
me: Yes sir, yes. U're right sir...Yes...yess... *dreams away* Yes sir, correct. I understand. Yes yes. *ZZzZzZ*
Don't understand why the stupid government would want to waste time, effort and money to interview us when they still need to hire us regardless. Tsk.
Oh well, pls pray and cross your fingers&toes for me so that I'll get posted somewhere near home! =(
Aih..don't wanna think about it no more.
Let's talk about happy things! Food! Weee!
I so need to go to the gym next week =.=
RPM&bodycombat yo!
Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa
I still don't get why is it so famous. It tasted ok la. As usual. But it wasn't like, "Woah! That's like the BEST nasi lemak ever man!" as what I have heard from others.
Somemore I was so convinced when I overheard this little indian boy screaming into his mum's ears, "MUMMY! I LIKE THIS NASI LEMAK! MUUUMMMYY!! THIS NASI LEMAK NICEEE!" Then the mother sumbat the nasi lemak into his mouth then he shuddap.
That was before our nasi lemak came. How could I not be convinced right?
Madam Kwan's
Little Penang @ Curve
Anyway, back to my pathetic perminghairuntilsodrama story, the 2nd perm was indeed better than the first, no doubt...cause the woman used smaller rollers for me. BUT my hair was only aunty for 2 days. =/
Not sure if that's normal but the curls are natural looking now. Doubt they'll last as long as I hope them to last. Nonetheless, I love it now! =)))
Not sure if that's normal but the curls are natural looking now. Doubt they'll last as long as I hope them to last. Nonetheless, I love it now! =)))
Pray pray my curls kwai kwai...don't get straighten too soon ya?