It has been a long long week for me...with exams going on and lots of drama in between.
Nevertheless, things are getting better...or so I hope it is -_-"
I'm too lazy to blog bout each and every drama in detail...
but basically, what irked me was that I had to shift out of my comfy homey room to another block which seems to be at the other end of the world...all cause of some stupid water tank which HAD to burst just a few days before our finals!
okla..I know I'm exaggerating bout the distance but really, it's so freaking far!!
Then I heard news about Daniel Teoh, my ex-bpharm batchmate, who was also my orientation group leader, had past away from a car crash on the way back from penang to kl...
Although we weren't really close, but affected me.
No doubt about that.
Death scares me.
And it just keeps reminding me of how life is so fragile and that anything could happen to any of us.
It's scary. But I know there's no point worrying or thinking of why it happened and so on.
Life's like this and we just have to accept it
May u rest in peace, Daniel. *hugZ*
Then there was my credit card problem.
Don't even get me to start talking bout it...I'll just start cursing RBS
After my final paper, when I thought that things were getting better, I HAD to receive another bad news...a horrible one in fact.
Our baby tarantula, Oreo .......had died.....
These are all Oreo's mould. Look how much he has grown *sobs
He was so tiny when I just bought him...smaller than an ant!!
Then he grew up to be a big macho boy...and now he's gone =*(
He did not even reach his max size.....*sniff sniff =(
We miss him.....
Missing u Oreo....may u RIP, be free in a place where all the female tarantulas wear bikinis, as quoted by ct
5 kehpohchi:
uh..did not take u for the tarantula type of girl..haha... eh not geli meh... what u feed him wo?
Hey, kiddo. Shit always happens. Sometimes, they all happen at once. In fact, they ALWAYS happen at once.
Cheer up. Things'll get better. They always do. :)
GOod luck for your practical. *huGz*
liping: i'm not da one keeping da tarantula. I bought it for ct wan...haha
but it was our baby! *sobs
steph: yeah...i do agree it always happen ALL AT ONCE! sickening!
thanks anyway...=)
i miss hanging out in your house...=(
awwww ur baby so hairy! must take after his daddy hor?
HAHA but the daddy hairless wan wor....
and NO..i'm not hairy ok...
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