It was 4 days before the actual Halloween day, but we still had a blast dressing up! At least we got the whole Kushion bar to ourselves and we actually had SPACE to camwhore!
All of us were a lil doubtful as to whether to dress up or not. Cause we weren't sure if many home students will be dressing up or not. But wth la, it's our FIRST halloween! And it's probably our LAST halloween too!! Okla..maybe not. Still can celebrate in M'sia right, just that ppl might say - Eh! tengok perempuan giler! Wth
Anyways, kudos to the guys man...they planned what to wear just a few hrs before leaving, and they still managed to come out with sth good..and funny! HAHAHA Esp Ken, the mummy with 25% visibility HAHAHAH Lawak giler!

People must be thinking, wth? I think those asian dudes got the halloween day all wrong. Should we tell them?

see that joker on the right? Half of the girls in class drool over him and after being the first to take a pic with him and Jason, the other joker, there was practically a queue of girls wanting to take pic with him too -_-"
I wanna celebrate Halloween again!!
5 kehpohchi:
Ooh...nice! For a moment there, you looked like you had Mangkuk-itis! Hahahaha.
I would've dressed up as Sara Palin. :P
ahahaha we indeed had mangkuk-itis! A severe case that is!
Siapa Sara Palin??
She's the first nominated female vice president of the USA. Nvm. Haha.
oops.....sorry bad at politics haha
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