Well, it's NO longer sunny happy here. Instead, it's all WET and GLOOMY!!! *argh!*
And it doesn't help that the stupid weather is making me 10000X sleepier and I can't concentrate for nuts!
Oh well, need a happy post to cheer me up =(
Seeee....it was so nice and bright and sunny and GREENNNN
All the kwai lous came out for picnics, bathe under the kononnya hot "sun" as though they never seen sun before.
Totally opposite from us when we came out and played snow sliding, making snowman etc during winter. Wth.
Totally opposite from us when we came out and played snow sliding, making snowman etc during winter. Wth.
Oh well, might as well just join in the fun! ;P

J5!! Our beloved HOME!!
Gonna miss it so much T.T
Don't wanna think. Don't wanna think.
Gonna miss it so much T.T
Don't wanna think. Don't wanna think.
James Blyth Court, where 100+ (can't rmb the exact num) of muh batchmates somehow managed to squeeze in =.=

And lastly, my gorgeous awesomeness housematesey!
We were running down the hill and I almost pokai and rolled down with the tupperwares and bottles. How glamorous.
2 kehpohchi:
i miss glasgow =(
those were 1 of the better days in life. i also miss touring europe... =(
wish i could do it again.
anyway u are coming home! and u wont miss glasgow anymore! <3
We'll do it again soon! Mmmhmm!
And yes, I'll miss glasgow a lot when i leave =( I can foresee it...
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