We went to Loon Fung for dinner the night before and I wasn't sure if she suspected any surprise or whatsoever (but I think u do! ;P)
But one thing she was totally caught by surprise....................Shaw Pei came to visit!!! Heheehhehe
We had to hide Shaw Pei from her the whole day. Poor Shaw Pei had to lock herself up in yen's room the whole day Haha
So I guess it was a double surprise! =)
Surprise birthday celebration (Lucky we managed to reach there before midnight) and surprise ShawPeiwaslyingtoyouallthewhileaboutcomingthenextday. Hohoho
Too bad we didn't have pics of her choc muffin "birthday cake" and all the other hundreds of pics taken that night, cause it was all in Daniel Poon's uber camera...Hmph! Sickening fella still haven't transferred the pics to us. Prolly still travelling around UK. GGgghhHhHrrrmmppphh!!
Weeee!!! I miss Redbox!!! Lalalalalalallalalalala I wanna cheong K again =(
U wanna berkaraoke with me?
U wanna berkaraoke with me?

On vyen's birthday itself, she was kind enough to cheng all of us dinner at this SUPERB superduperuber Italian restaurant! (OMGMYFAVLA!!!!!!!)

OMG The place was damn nice lor... And the food...omg....AWESOOMMMEEE!! The only let down was that the place was TOO packed! They really should expand the place. Even the waiters were having a hard time moving about with all the chairs being 10cm apart.
*Birthday girl with her birthday cake*
(I can't believe I missed the birthday song. Dammit. Was in the ladies *sobs*)
Hope u enjoyed yourself a lot that day =)
And remember to USE your present EVERYDAY!! ;P
And remember to USE your present EVERYDAY!! ;P
2 kehpohchi:
eh i posted on facebook already woman!
and the lashes not curly anymore! means you no more gay friend! hahhahaha
Not all the pics oso! I rmb I took some really nice ones ;P
U think permanent curl meh? I also want la..
And u were my self proclaimed gay friend, so too bad HAHA
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