It was another trip organised by Jim Wilson, a guy who's in charge of international students.
The good thing is, he would plan trips to somewhere every weekend and to pubs every wednesday then send us a mail about the details.
So if we're interested to go, then just go la...
The bad thing is, I heard his planning kinda suck after the Victoria Park visit.
Anyhow, we still decided to go along with the latest visit to Mount Stuart in the Isle of Bute last weekend.
And no regrets there!!!

We took a train from the Central Station to the pier.
The train station was surprisingly so cantik! And a nice place to camwhore! Too bad we didn't have enough time. =(
Hehe ;P
We didn't expect so many ppl to go! If I'm not mistaken, there were about 40 over ppl from our batch who joined this trip!

*View from the ferry before it starts moving*

*The wind was SOO STRONG!! So fun!! Yet so cold!!*
By this time, my hands were practically frozen. It was so numb, I couldn't feel anything! Haha
And my hair was flying everywhere and it felt as though the wind was pulling my hair out of my scalp!! Serious!
See! I can't even balance myself! HAHA!

Upon reaching the Isle of Bute
*Gorgeous...simply breathtaking....*
*Walking to the bus, which will bring us to Mount Stuart*

Mount Stuart is actually a pretty big place. And we have to walk through the woodlands in order to get to the famous Victorian house, or rather a mansion.

This part of the woodlands damn stinky lor!! Like cow dung smell! Somemore the ground was muddy and soft, like stepping on.........cow dung...-_-"
I *heart* this pic!! So beautiful!

And alas, we reached the Victorian house. From the outside, it doesn't look very grand. But inside, ohmygod....DAMN BEAUTIFUL lor!!
We were not allowed to take pictures inside the house, and I can't seem to silent my camera. So no pictures..=(
After the tour in the house, it was time to PICNIC!!!!

After we've done camwhoring, I mean, picnic-ing, we went jalan-jalan around the area...

This garden looks more like a maze...

I wish bu was here! It'll be a perfect pic!

BU!! I mean itik!!

Mummy swan and her five babies tagging behind her! So cute!!

Ice cream!! Mine was Ferrero Rocher! *yummy!*

I love the Isle of Bute!! It's so peaceful! And the ppl there are so friendly!
Makes me feel like migrating to an island like this and lead a more peaceful, slow and stress-free life!
How I wish....
2 kehpohchi:
oooo nv heard of Bute b4 also.. r u sure it's not Butt? *lame* go Isle of Cumbrae very nice also...
Haha Mengada..
I heard Isle of Skye is the best!
I wanna gooOO!
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