Thursday, July 31, 2008

Can u believe it?!!

OH MY GOD, the mystery of my early christmas parcel was finally resolved!
damn village office HAD to make such a STUPID mistake!!!!! *ARGH!* *geramness*

Ok u see, every parcel will be sent to the village office(VO) of the uni, then they'll track our exact address or sth like that.
Apparently, the name on the box was LEE SHING
and unfortunately, another girl in my batch is called Lee HUI Shing
(and to those who don't know my chinese name, it's Lee EI Shing la wth...)

Stupid VO ppl surely never check properly, and they thought that what the heck, Lee EI Shing comes first, should be this one lah!
Made me went through so much trouble, go through anxiety at the thought of my card being hacked, spent an hour in stupid inefficient giler babi slowmo RBS sorting out what's the cause of the problem...ARGHHH!!!

And I thought Christmas came early for me....

5 kehpohchi:

stephers said...

"it's Lee EI Shing la wth..."

OMG, you're killing me with these sentences!!! ROTFL.

*Jac* said...

hahaha What an irony right?

Anonymous said...

+ the trouble of dragging me along to RBS...sitting down there doing nth .. but only yawn n nausea..


*Jac* said...

sorry time wont ask u to follow me d lorr...

Anonymous said...

HAHA angmoh mmg always make this mistake.. we had this senior called "S. Tan" so the VO automatically assume it's "Shirlyn Tan" and kept sending her mail to our place which is damn stupid cause i think like ten thousand people have the surname Tan...