Some went to Salzburg,
Some went to Prague,
Some went to Paris,
Some even went to the freaking cold Norway,
but nearly 70% of my batchmates went to London for New Year celebration.
It was like another P106 reunion there!!
*excited excited*
*LONDON! Finally!! =)))*
Hyde ParkGorgeous gorgeous hyde park...damn freaking BIG too! Jog around half of the park, u'll get to lose 2kgs d. And btw, the ferris wheel is NOT London Eye ok. Tipu keling betul.
Thai food!!Our first proper meal in London! Deliciousness! And got kangkung!!! I miss miss kangkunggg!
Oh..and we just got to know that kangkung is actually called morning glory! Weird man...felt as though we were ordering purple flowers as vege.
Hustle bustle cityI love London! There's soooo many things to see, sooo many shops and everything is just sooo...alive! Public transport was awesome too..but considered quite ex lor. The lightings at night was also very pweettyy =) Ain't the huge snowman awesome??! There were sooo many along that stretch of road!
Avenue Q!
Our first musical! When I first heard that it was about puppets doing a musical, I wasn't very impressed. The poster even looked like some Sesame Street poster wth. But wah liow, when they started singing, everyone was rolling of the chair laughing man! There was lots of vulgarity and 18SX stuff but damn farny!! That was when we decided that we should watch another musical!! LOL
Walking back home at night =)
The view was amazing! The river was 1000X nicer than River Clyde! LOL ;P
And we were staying right beside London Eye! How awesome is that?! Haha!
London Bridge is falling down
falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady...
I still don't get the song even though it was prolly the first song I could sing and have been singing for about 20 years. And I don't get why is it SOOo popular that every kid in the world has to know about it. If not, they'll have a deprived childhood.
OMG Super heaven lor!! U know, we even had to QUEUE up in the COLD just to get into Haagen-Dazs?!! But it was all worth it I tell u!!!
We had a hard time choosing what we want. The menu was like.....the BEST menu to look and drool at. And the ice cream was omg...orgasmic... hahh...
DIMSUM!!!Omgomgomgomg Yummy yummy dimsum!!! AND OMG...EGGIE TARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freaking niceee!!! Too bad it was too darn small. Letak dalam mulut, habis d. Ishk. But really, the dimsum there was damn good man...every single dimsum was good. Oh, except the lou mai kai la. White colour wan. Weird.
Ahh...I miss London already....
Overrated Buckingham Palace
I know this place mmg got nothing much to see wan lor. They even simpan-ed the guards behind the gates now so we won't be able to poke and buli them. And they weren't even wearing RED coats!! WTH?!!!
*Slurps*Italian food. My all-time fav! Malas wanna put other pics. Go check FB for more. LOL
The mango sorbet was super duperly insanely awesome joke!! I want moreee!! I can still rmb how it taste like...MmmmMMm....
Coconut ice sorbet.....mix with mango sauce...*drools*
2009!Happy New Year!!
We actually planned to watch the fireworks at the place where we stayed which was near London Eye, but mana tau when we came out from the restaurant, there were already beribu-ribu ppl walking on the streets and all the public transports were closed!!! Ahh!!
It was a disaster trying to walk towards London Eye when u have a big group of friends and there were MILLIONS of ppl walking on the road, you even have trouble trying to walk ahead of them cause it was sooooo packed like sardines and we only have limited time to midnight!! *sigh* You get the picture. And there were some drunkards too, which was damn sickening and annoying and scary at the same time. Halfway thru, we realised that they blocked the bridge so we couldn't cross the river to London Eye which was opposite the river. Aih. So we terpaksa berhempit with the crowd to watch the fireworks from opposite the river. Dahlah all the kwai lous so tall, I couldn't even see the fireworks. Have to see it from my camera when I hold it up. zzzzzzz

Madame Taussauds This was another place with some really crazy queue!! If u're planning to go to Madame Taussauds, be prepared to wait for around an hour to go in. If u go in the afternoon, then I guess u would have to wait for AT LEAST 2 hours. Damn giler.
Then it's SO packed inside somemore. Can't take pictures with the wax figures properly cause someone would be posing with the figure on one side and u're on the other side. Wth right?
But it was still fun! Some of the wax figures don't really look like them in real life but some was ok. I did expected more Hollywood celebrities figures tho.
Wicked, our 2nd musicalWe heard many many ppl said Wicked was really good and it's a MUST watch etc. Lucky for us, we manage to get a not-so-exp ticket BUT still ex la ok. The place itself is much bigger and more glamorous than Avenue Q's and even their stage and settings were much more impressive. The singing was also really good. But I guess it was way too good that it made all the guys fell asleep throughout the whole show. HAHA
I'm missing London already....
Can't wait to go back there again!
p/s: Thanks Alan, for being our tourguide and bringing us makan good food everyday! Damn lucky to be living in London man...