Anyway, last wed, the girls brought me to my last dinner with them.
We were planning to go to this restaurant Ting suggested in Bangsar, but mo la la rained SUPER HEAVILY!! Not to mention that night was the "All M'sian gathering party at petrol station nationwide" night. Shessh...
So guess what? Surprise surprise, we got caught in a super MASSIVE jam of DOOM again!!
I tell u ar...damn mengada lo.
Why do I have to get stuck in every possible jam everytime I get out of Subang?!
Oh...that's because I'm living in KUALA LUMPUR! ARGHH!!
Okok back to my topic.
Erm....oh ya...So we couldn't go Bangsar cause it'll take us like 3 freaking hours to reach there since tortoise also faster than our car.
In the end, we decided to dine in 1U.
After lots of aiya-eat-where-ar? we decided to eat at my fav Italian restaurant, Dave's Pizza and Pasta!
Oh carbonara..........
And we even ordered my fav pizza with ham & mayonnaise! sinful yet so satisfying! *saliva dripping just thinking bout it*
After the fulfilling dinner, we went searching for desserts.
Delicious was our first choice, but too bad, they were about to close =(
The other dessert place I could think of is Alexis (again)
So Alexis it is.
I just couldn't help but to do it again. ;P
Super *heart* the place =))
We took tons of silly pics and while we were warming up, Manda told me to close my eye.
I thought she wanted to do some stupid pose. So I did la.
But when I opened my eyes, OMG!!
There's a scrapbook in front of me!! With my face on an aeroplane flying to Glasgow in a world map! HAHA!
Kim did this adorable front cover. How creative!
Thanks SO MUCH girls!
I know most of u are actually busy working and some even having exams, but yet u girls still manage to find time to make this scrapbook for me. I'm so touched and happy! =D
Ok now for the camwhoring pics!! Weee!!
-couldn't contain our laughter haha
- due to meich's super farny face! WAHAHAHA!! Shit cannot tahan la! I had to burst out laughing!
Look at Kim man. She's trying so hard to contain her laughter that she ended up looking constipated! WAHAHHA
FAILED yet again
-see, even meich couldn't tahan her own farny pose! Seriously laughed till stomach ache man...
-omg meich..WAHAHAHAHAAH!! U're the bomb man! Too bad cheryl's not here. I'm sure she could have done a good job too. LOL
Next up is the seduction pose. There're 4 different kinds. Pick your choice.
2 kehpohchi:
Wah-lau...your Pantene ad! Haha. :P
haha cool eh?
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