I always wanted to go..(don't ask me why) but never got a chance to.
We were supposed to reached there at 7pm, but due to the STUPIDkillermassive JAM of doom, we reached there at 8pm when the sky is already pitch black.
Apparently if u're up there at 7pm, u can see the sunset which they say is really gorgeous.
We missed it!!
*cries* =(((
But it was still beautiful la...esp the twin tower at night. The lightings were just dazzling.
Ct actually wanted to bring me to dinner in the restaurant up there, but after reading a few reviews, he changed his mind.
Cause besides the sucky food that they serve, the price was sooo unbelievable!
Damn hard to take this pic man...but so cantik!
When we reached Starhill, it was already soooo late, and we couldn't decide which restaurant to dine at.
I was looking through a menu outside a western restaurant when ct whispered into my ears, "Eh? Harith Iskandar!"
When I looked up, Harith Iskandar was sitting directly in front of me! Haha! (To those who don't know who the hell is that, he's a famous Malaysian comedian la. Always see him on tv wan)
He was even wearing some cute little masquerade which is too small for his face WAHAHAH
Damn cute la.
Anyway, after walking round and round and round, we decided on the restaurant with the most ppl in it..and not to mention the biggest one too!
Yup...that's the name of that restaurant. Though I personally feel the name doesn't fit the place at all..LOL
The place was really nice. They even have a jazz band playing. Me likey jazz...=))
Yes! Mel Gibson dined in this restaurant before! The manager was proudly telling us about it, even adding that Mel Gibson was actually very short about ct's height or so. Haha!
Quite a lot of celebrities were there before loh. Tony Leung and Michelle Yeoh to name a few.
Oh oh! One thing I don't really like about the place. The TABLE.
See what I mean?
Other than that, the place, food and service was SUPERB!!
This is our starter. And I don't even know what's that. But it tasted REAL good! Crunchy...and the sambal-like thingy was really good too!
My freshly squeezed THICK mango juice with a complimentary carrot juice in a shot glass. MmmMmmMmm..........
They got lots and I mean, LOTS of food on their menu.
But guess what did I ordered?
The SAME OLD yummy yummy carbonara. =))) I'll never go wrong with that.
I thought ct would be ordering some japanese food or sth, but "surprise surprise", he ordered a pizza. ZZzzzZZZzz.....
Both of us are damn predictable -_-"
It was damn tasty though! I want more I want more I want more I want more!!
And finally, for dessert,
Banana split! Yummylicious!!!
Ahhh....The whole meal was soo satisfying....
I would definitely go back there again, provided I'm fit financially ;P
On our way to the carpark, we saw this cute little jack & jill well and couldn't help taking a pic of it.
So cute right?!
My humongous bling-bling umbrella-ella-ella
Thanks for the wonderful farewell dinner bu!! =))))
And thanks for being such a wonderful, supportive bf that u are...always pampering this spoilt gf of yours HEHE =))
U're the BEST!!
3 kehpohchi:
i love ur dress!!!
Hehe Thanks! It's the only dress that will follow me to UK Haha!
so nice of ct =)
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