Sorry u didn't get a chance to watch an MU match when u were here bu! ;P
And though I'm not a football fan, but wth I was damn excited about it lor!!
When we reached Old Trafford, the place was already jammed packed with ppl! We even had to queue to get into the Mega Store! I bought an MU t-shirt for the autograph! Wanted to buy a football ball. But was thinking, I'll look like an idiot carrying a football everywhere, so.. yeah. A t-shirt will do.

Mana tau when we finally reached there, the whole stadium was still empty =.= Babi.
Should have camwhored outside. Sigh.
Dahlah our seats were like sooooo far from the field, but aih, still ok la. Tolerable.
I seriously couldn't see their faces from my seat. I had to zoom my camera, then like..OHHHhhh....
Btw, their warming up exercise damn cute lor!! They were doing frog exercise la, jumping here and there, even looked like they were dancing! Should have taken a video of it!
Lucky for us, MU won (they better!) 2-1 against Blackburn.
And the match itself was damn chi kek cause it was 1-1 before that and Blackburn nearly scored a few times! There was once kena tiang somemore! Had palpitation throughout the whole match man.
And the guy near us was cursing and screaming like mad, I seriously thought he'll beat someone up d.
Oh btw, watching a match live is so different from watching it on tv cause
1. NO replays. Until now, I still don't know how Rooney scored, or why one of the goal was fouled.
2. Everything was moving damn fast, and with my super limited football knowledge, I was having a hard time catching up. Argh. (Where are u when I needed u to explain to me?!)
3. I didn't even know that the match started d until after 1 minute =.=
4. Feels quiet cause there's no commentator explaining to me what's going on.
5. All I hear is, Yellow T, Yellow T! So I asked Shean what they were cheering. And apparently it was United! United! =.= WTH?!
6. They were also singing other MU songs which was rather cute LOL Couldn't catch the lyrics though.
7. I felt damn semangat-bola! Time passed by so quickly! When I was watching it on tv, it felt like it'll never end!
So yeah, overall it was a good experience! The only sad part was, I only got 2 autographs =(
One from Berbatov and another from Evra.
Rooney didn't sign for me =(
Dahlah I had to fight with this sickening 6 feet tall father of 5 lil kids! Babi he damn sickening taktahanmaulempangmukadia. URGH.
Next up, what else is there to do in manchester except to EAT EAT EAT!! YAY!!! =)))))))
Eggie tart here I come!!!

So yummylicious!!!
The queue was horrid tho. But worth it!