Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My makeover! Nice not?! Nice not?!

p/s: I love my grey contacts! Weee!

4 kehpohchi:

stephers said...

Yikes! Scary lah...!!

*Jac* said...

EVERY single person said that to me!!!
I still wanna perm! I want I want! lol

stephers said...

That template is over lah...makes you look like a transvestite. I think it's the eyelashes.

I'm sure you'll look nice with your permed hair. It's pretty awesome to have curly hair. :)

*Jac* said...

Haha One of my friend said da exact thing!
Look like tranny. Shitz!
Dun care dun care..I still wan wavy hair! LOL
Probably I'll regret and sulk, wanting my straight hair back after that, but I still wanna do it! HAHA