I'm a total noob in the kitchen before I came to Glasgow! I even mixed up saying garlic and ginger! I always call garlic, ginger and ginger, garlic. Wth.
But jeng jeng jeng! Here comes the new notsobimboticshecancookandbakeJac! Teeheee
Tiramisu butter cake
Giler babi yummilicious!!! I can't wait to make the next one! The butter cake was awesomely good. And in the middle, there's mascarpone cheese and espresso, topped with dark choc!! *salivating*
p/s: Thanks to Jacqueline Wong's recipe. Somehow I manage to get a hold of your recipe! LOL You're good!
My beloved eggie tarts! Icraveforyousomuchhh!!
Weee!! This is actually my second batch. The first one failed rmb? The super thick crust? But this time, it's just nicee! Weee! I modified the recipe a lil and ta-da!! Yummy yummy!!
Cannot tanding those in manchester la wth. But still nice for my liking k!
Damn tedious though. Ishk. Heck, I'm still gonna make it again!
*stomach growling*
4 kehpohchi:
Wah...congrats!! Quickly come home and make me some! Hehehe. :P
ahahahah! Definitely will!
eat eat eat. everyday eat eat eat.
i like la!!
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