A bunch of us decided to go to the West End of Glasgow for lunch and some walking around.
Heard there's lots to see and lots of nice cafes etc
But the stupid Glasgow weather, damn unpredictable...
The day before was so sunny summerish and nice, then that day was super duper winterish cold! SICKENING! Dahlah we weren't really prepared for the cold weather.
My hands were so numb, I couldn't zipped my coin pouch! Zzzz...

Ok, whining aside,
It was overall a damn fun day despite the weather!! Not to mention, a super fulfilling day too...for my tummy that is.
At first we were walking up and down the long stretch of street, finding for a nice restaurant to eat and chill but we just couldn't make up our mind until it was nearly 3pm. =.=
In the end, we ended up in Antipasti, an Italian restaurant.
I've been there before during Yen's birthday dinner back in our side of Glasgow. =)

I *heart* this pic ;P

They had a special priced Saturday lunch, 2 course for 10.95 pounds and each of us ordered a set. One thing sucky bout it was that they took SOOO long to serve!!
I also hungry until not hungry d.

Our starters.
-Banyak sedap. Except that the king prawns weren't exactly "king" size. LOL-

Our mains.
-I find it ok nia. But I like the Tuscan pie! Regret regret-

Had some random walks.

The shops there are very different from our side of Glasgow

Candy shop!

Mich's fav dentures candy. Geli wei! LOL
Our next stop, Patisserie Francoise!! An awesome cake shop.
(According to Yew Jinn, we shouldn't pronouns the 's', so it's Frrran-choirrr..... LOL Whatever dude.)

Looks super mouth-watering eh? hehe
I miss cakes!!

Got caramel, black forest, choc, cheese, mousse cake, and tak tau ape lagi la...
I was just so happy to see so many cakes in front of me!

The girls.
Yew Jinn is cameraphobic.
Right after, we went to Starbucks and I finally get to try the caramel hot choc!! Goshh...super niceee!!
But afterdat, kenot walk straight d.

Awesome outing guys! =)