It's a baking season for me!! =))
Almond cookies

Ini macam peanut cookie je. Hard in the outside but crumbly inside. Melt's in your mouth kind. Mmmmmm.... I need MORE!
Tiramisu butter cake

This is again, the "fake" tiramisu. Haha! I don't know why I just love to call it that hahaha
We made this before not too long ago. It's actually butter cake with tiramisu filling in btw and coated with choc =) Yummy!
Chocolate cornflakes cookies

This is soooo simple to make, it takes like, 2 mins?! Yet it's yummilicious! Would have been better if I used milk choc instead of dark ones tho.
Brunch in Willow Tea Rooms

I've been wanting to visit another teahouse after Tinderbox for so long!
I super *heart* teahouse wan lor!
It makes me feel so comfortable, relax and just somehow, contented. =)

This Willow Tea Rooms is actually inspired by Mackintosh. So everything from their chairs and tables are his designs.
Pretty artistic, really. But a bit chor teng if u know what I mean. It blocks your view everywhere u turn and look cause the back of the chairs were sooo high!

I never deviate from ordering hot chocolate if there's one in the menu. Like how I never fail to order teh peng in coffee shops back home. Nor how I will never resist ordering carbonara or pizza in Italian restaurants. =.=

Would you like to have some tea? ;P

Turkey and cranberry jam sandwiches

Tea cakes

Fruit slice

Me. Happy.