The last chapter of my studying life is finally coming to an end.
Can't believe 16 years of schooling have just breezed through...
And not only that, I only have another 3 and a half months left in Glasgow. =(
I doubt I'll be coming back here again in this lifetime.
Probably I'll only drop by Glasgow when I'm old and rich and have nothing better else to do...and I'll bring my future husband, kids and grandkids too! HAHA
But seriously, this experience have changed me. Never knew I could be that independent. Really.
Plus, there's too many good happy memories here...=(
I mm seh tak...
I don't wanna leave...but I don't wanna stay either. Sigh.
Why can't Glasgow be as near as Kl going to Penang? dammit.
Will miss the
.The first moment I stepped out into sunny Glasgow =).
Feels like it was just 2 months ago.
.Soon, it's time to fly back home.
p/s: That was our London to Glasgow plane shot. Aint it a beauty? =)
Can't believe 16 years of schooling have just breezed through...
And not only that, I only have another 3 and a half months left in Glasgow. =(
I doubt I'll be coming back here again in this lifetime.
Probably I'll only drop by Glasgow when I'm old and rich and have nothing better else to do...and I'll bring my future husband, kids and grandkids too! HAHA
But seriously, this experience have changed me. Never knew I could be that independent. Really.
Plus, there's too many good happy memories here...=(
I mm seh tak...
I don't wanna leave...but I don't wanna stay either. Sigh.
Why can't Glasgow be as near as Kl going to Penang? dammit.
Will miss the
.The first moment I stepped out into sunny Glasgow =).
Feels like it was just 2 months ago.
p/s: That was our London to Glasgow plane shot. Aint it a beauty? =)
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