They even wanted to give us a "surprise" outside our hostel building then walk us to O'Couture!
Mana tau, I didn't even see the surprise!
That got me thinking twice....the night might not be as good as it sounded to be ...Hmm...
When I finally went outside, then only I knew that the surprise was actually by one of our home students who played the bagpipes in his full scottish attire, kilts and all.
BUT....overall, there was only TWO of them wth? TWO?!
And there wasn't even 30% of IMU ppl who went!
Sigh..this is SO not gonna turn out great...=/
In fact, it was pretty bad...yup...
They booked the whole room in O`Couture but there was no music to dance to!!
And when we requested some music from the bartender, he said we have to talk to the manager first WTH?!
Sigh....and since we're not the drinking and mingling kinda ppl, (we do "mingle" with our own friends like erm, let's see.... every single day?!), we decided to camwhore instead...
Like hardcorecamwhore! weee!

But I'm not gonna overload my blog with pictures this time. Too lazy.

Oh and as u can see, we weren't dressed very scottishly...=.=
I realised I don't have anything checkered nor tartan and not even a single bright blue! (Got also not so nice la ;P)

So that ends our notsohappeningscottishnight...
Too bad we couldn't go clubbing that night, I'm missing it already...Oh Karbonku...
2 kehpohchi:
totally out of place ......
great read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you know that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
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