I got damn a lot of things to say as many things happened.
But I'm super duper "boh eng" (busy) these few days la. Or rather, these few weeks.
So u'll be seeing more pics than words... ;P
Heck, this is my 3rd post of the day ok!
But the most interesting one, I would say.
Today, my mission was to find my purrfect glasses.
Went searching for it high and low, but all the frames I saw was sooo.....plain.....and boring.....and common......Plus, the opticians were soooooo unfriendly.
Dahlah I was in such a bad mood today, so their unfriendliness seemed to have a magnified effect. =/
I ended up going all the way to Bangsar to this particular optical shop where ct bought me my first *heart* sunglasses. =)
I rmb the opticians there were VERY efficient and super duper friendly.
U just need to sit down, and they'll find u your dream glasses even if it'll takes hours.
Plus they have like millions of choices compared to those usual optical shops!!
The place look more like a coffee shop than an optical shop.
Ppl kept coming in!! And it's not even during a weekend!!
I was looking for sth different from my current glasses (black metal frame)
Waiting for the moment when I'll feel, "OHMYGOD...This is it."
So I tried many funky glasses,

Saw many weird and funny looking glasses too.
Eh? Is it upside down??
Popular among rich si lais during the 50's.
Someone actually buys this?
If u're looking for a funky glasses which nobody would ever have, then this optical shop is the place for u.
And if u can't decide whether u want a square or round frame, then u would definitely love this design.
And if u can't decide whether u want a square or round frame, then u would definitely love this design.
(My first impression: Who would ever buy this?!!
Optician said, "U'll be surprise...")
I guess I would be.
And finally, ..............
I super *heart* the design on the side! =))))
The Bangsar trip was worth it!p/s: I don't know why this ended up to be a long post....-_-"
4 kehpohchi:
Eh...you fell in love with the side designs and not the frames lah! :P
Now you know why my family goes all the way back to Bsar for our optical needs?? Hehe...:)
Aiyah...sama je la...LOL
Yeah that shop is really good man....so many choices to choose from!
Now I understand...lol!
eh jac!!1 the design damn cool wei..i also wanna get one...
U want the flower one?
Pink colour one?
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